Monday 30 March 2015

Spiral of Inquiry - Innovation in Schools

Think Beyond
Spiral of Inquiry - Innovation
So great to see Cheryl Doig again. Such an inspiring lady who works hard to support and benefit so many schools and educators

Visiting New Zealand from Canada

Give and Go 
Curiosity is important because....

Write your idea on a post it. Walk around the room and share your ideas 
swap over then find another person.

Gratitude and respect for each others ideas.

Give mic to a person and they choose who gets to share first. 

- Use at parent information evenings
- Giving children time to converse
- Reflecting technique reinforcing learning
- Immersion stage to spark minds and new ideas for the question stage
- Cultural responsiveness
- Team and staff meetings - sharing and talking ideas

Leadership is not about walking on water its about creating a foundation so that others can. 

Explore strategy of teaching math if you love it! Who would have thought! It actually increases student achievement.

Teacher Professional Learning in High Performing Systems

  • inquiry based
  • collaborative
  • linked and coherent
  • takes place over time
  • professionally led
  • The 'right' focus

No hands up 
What strategies are you using to hear everyone's voice?
How could it change your perspective of the groups understanding and knowledge?
How has technology supported everyones voice being heard and valued?

SMART goals vs HARD goals
Heartfelt - do we believe in it.
Animated - bring it to life
Required - is it needed
Difficult is motivating for teachers

Fixed and Growth

  • embraces challenges
  • keeps going when things get tough
  • sees effort as the path to mastery
  • learns from feedback
  • takes inspiration from success of others
  • avoids challenges
  • gives up easily
  • sees effort as a waste of time
  • ignores feedback
  • feels threatened by the success of others
What has helped us to shift from fixed to growth mindset?

Take a risk
seeing an opportunity
be a learner
being given permission to make a mistake
perseverance over time.
Emotional tied
belief you can change

Effective Effort Rubric
Angela Lee Duckworth - The grit survey - self assess your mindset. 
TED Talks

Education seen from a psychological and motivational perspective 
Significant predictor of success - grit, passion and perseverance, stamina, sticking with your future day in and day out for years, working hard. 

What do you do to calm down? 11% increase in achievement through teaching students to calm themselves down. Grit development technique
HAWN foundation

Growth Mindset Challenges
I don't think Im a good enough teacher yet I will go away and learn how to teach you better
different spaces and journeys 
self check of where you are at
mindfulness - relaxation techniques creating a climate for change
put yourself in learners shoes - experts can forget
grit versus arrogance? 
mindset - difficult to change
variables that change mindset
time being an important factor
use of language to change mindset
makes you very vulnerable
fixed mindset parents
concerned about teaching content rather than holistic approach

How do we create the conditions to interrupt fixed mindset 

Four questions and why they matter
Disciplined approach to inquiry

Ask children at the scanning stage
  1. Where are you going with your learning?
  2. How's it going?
  3. Where to next?
  4. Can you name 2 adults in this school who believe you will be a success in life?
ALL What happens after the project is over? How do we ensure our pd is not a waste of time?
A spiral of inquiry that accelerates the implementation of learning. 

Collaborative process - the bigger the better
always start with question - Whats going on for our learners?
Where are we going to put our attention? as a team, school, cluster?
Form a question - question can be too narrow or have answer in it. So needs to be a main focus then design an open question. 
Developing a Hunch
What leading to this situation?
How are WE contributing to it? Not parents society etc just us.
Exploring possibilities about our practices. 
Hunch versus hypothesis acknowledges gut instincts. 
New Learning
How and where will we learn more about what to do?
Avoid inclination immediate fast action.
Taking Action
What will we do differentlyWhat worked what didn't
Reflective process
Size matters - creates success and momentum needs to be meaningful but not overwhelming. 
How will we check that we are making enough of a difference?

Inquiry to transform Learning
20 minutes at the start of the day - exercise, dance, movement, cookies and coffee for parents 
John Ratey - Spark
9.30 go to class have food then start learning. 

Lets take a step that people are willing to take!

7 Principles
1. Learners at the centre
2. Social nature of learning - cooperative learning, social constructivist
collaborative online platform. Design learning experiences for other schools, whats unique about our place compared to others schools. Our assets to provide opportunities for others.
3. Emotions are essential to learning - mindset, its everyones responsibility, increase learning for all. 
4. Recognising individual differences and prior knowledge
5. Stretching all students - demands hard work and effort - without excessive overload. Grit in Vygotsky zone
6. Assessment for learning - shifting ownership from teacher to student, Michael absolum, 
Leaders of their own learning - 
Embedded formative assessment - Dylan William

7. Building Horizontal Connectedness - holistic learning. connections to community, less bound by walls of school. Buddies across school, social action, school farms. 
Every school has a farm, every school grows cucumbers, secondary school turns them into pickles, primary school sell pickle to buy seeds for next year.

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