Ko pakeha te iwi
Ko Laetitia ahau
Ko Laetitia ahau
Kia Ora
My name is Laetitia de Vries.
My name Laetitia has proven difficult for many to remember or read. The name for this blog 'Lateacha' is pretty much how you say Laetitia.
Welcome to my e journal.
My career in education began 12 years ago when I had a massive realisation that teaching was what I wanted to do. I haven't looked back since. My life before teaching varied from Veterinary Science and Nursing to tourism and business management.
I love working with people but my passion is innovation - developing new and improved ideas. My enthusiasm for making a difference is what drives me every day. I began this blog as a way to share my experiences and knowledge as I explore new ideas in my classroom.
Action research is my passion. Starting with a question or an idea, trial and error, loads of reflective practises I have been amazed with the results. My first book "Action Stations" will be published around the world next month. Action Stations is the result of 3 years of action research in my classroom.
Please note that the ideas shared in this blog are my own and not necessarily views shared by others. Each post is a question with my own annotated thoughts and experiences, but the majority of information will be linked back to sites to acknowledge the brilliance of others who have supported me on my journey.
Action research is my passion. Starting with a question or an idea, trial and error, loads of reflective practises I have been amazed with the results. My first book "Action Stations" will be published around the world next month. Action Stations is the result of 3 years of action research in my classroom.
I believe we are in the middle of a massive transformation in the way we view and deliver education and learning. Children are now becoming more empowered to be self directed learners who can access a vast amount of information globally.
Facilitating, mentoring and leadership are skills that I am consistently reflecting on, researching and developing as I am enthusiastic about supporting colleagues to also enjoy the experiences of leading their own innovations in classrooms. Innovation, creativity and thinking laterally to solve problems is a challenge that I willingly embrace daily.
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