What is acceleration?
- more than expected amount of progress in set amount of time.
- increase of work and attitude ethic
-identifying blocks in learning that has held them back in the first place
- gathering data to assist in a new approach to support the ownership of the learning.
- change mindset for success due to low self esteem
- key prior knowledge is pre taught to prepare
- connected to class learning to keep them in the loop and identify where they are at in relation to their peers
-understanding larger concepts rather than parts of each stage
- teachers taking the time to look and listen for the blocks
-targeted actions
teachers having an explicit moral commitment to excellence and equity
-students are feeling challenged yet supported
What does it look like in your school?
What's the big deal about math vocabulary?
is required for enabling classroom discussions
content specific vocabulary
reading is not enough to build vocab
Strategies to develop language
planned for direct and explicit teaching
Share your rich vocabulary. Deliberately using more challenging words in classroom discussions.
Think Boards with;
word, definition, pictorial representation, everyday language
TIP - term, information, picture
word - definition - example
clines for measurement, time, weight, etc
discourse cards - could be great for parents at home as well!!
Updates to nzmaths...
- problem solving section has been revised
- planning sheets revamped
-more modules added to e-ako
(these would be great for parent workshops)
Questions for the team
How do we track children - individual / whole school
What questions do you have?
What is working well?
What is providing challenges?
What are the opportunities?
Coverage fitting everything in?
ICT how are you using it in maths?
So what does a balanced classroom look like?
Check out page 12 in the pink Getting started book.
Our pink books have rich math tasks. Drop off the end part of the questions and let the children do the thinking.
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