Technology in Education - The First 200 000 years
Ruben R. Puentedura
All language is generic until its framed by experience.
What does it mean to teach collaboratively?
What are our experiences of this?
What is a one to one program?
- accessible
- adaptable
- mobility
- flexible
Issues that face us in this journey
- pedagogy
- community
- buy in
- child safety
- management
- types of devices
- Vision - articulating the why TED Talks - the golden circle of why.
- Student Learning - the way we are delivering the curriculum to change how we think about teaching and learning.
- Team - establish a team within and across schools. Invite resistant ones to set the pace of change.
- Professional Learning - personalising the journey
- Community
- Financial Sustainability - what opportunities are there to create a equal opportunity
- Measurement - talk about where you are and where you want to head to with community
- Environment Design - infrastructure, applying SAMR model in how they are being used.
What would come next and why?
Mapping our Journey
- Free
Visionary Leadership - shared leadership - individual leadership - community engagement
APPs for us to try;
Te Whaka Raki
Apple Classroom
App Store
Teacher Tools
Maori Culture and Language
iTunes U
Ways to develop Professional Capital
Community of Practice
- everybody talking about their practice
- sharing tech that works
- shared common language gained
Notes from Papamoa School - Bruce Jepson
Why have a vision - why does a school see, hear, feel a particular way?
See - how student holds themselves
Hear - the vision of your school
Feel - the vision of your school
Students and their potential - believing that our students can do anything if opportunities exist for them.
Be real!!
Create your classroom in Minecraft. - through mathematics develop an online view for new families thinking of coming to your school.
- capturing and measuring the quality of works being created
- these are presented through reporting schedules.
- The more you share the more on board they will be
Use of animations to teach te reo
live broadcasts
Change thinking about finances - think laterally
- teaching & learning & thinking budget - to impact teaching and learning, raising student achievement. - coding still applied.
- Run PLD for other schools - charge out
- roll out and roll in 1 year, plan
- business decisions to access the resources
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