Tuesday 5 April 2016

What is Auditory Processing Disorder? - APD

APD - Auditory Processing Disorder


AKA - central auditory processing disorder
have normal hearing and will be pass hearing tests - its the brain is not processing information heard

Its like taking a lesson in a pub at 1am for the students - they are unsure of who is important to listen to, whats important, what to do.

APD will be different with every child They will nearly always have other things going on with them.

Classroom Acoustics
- hard surfaces covered with soft materials
- audit checklist for acoustics for MLE spaces
35 unoccupied - teacher needs to be set at 15db above measured unoccupied level,

Classroom noise control is vital

Teachers ....
Slow talking
short clear specific instructions supplemented by another manner - facial, gesture, body language, list the tasks on your fingers

How can I get them more responsible with their equipment
Great to discuss with kids to see how things are going.

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