The theory of knowledge
There are many types of knowledge;
Knowledge of fact
Practical knowledge - play a game or drive a car - to know how to do something We can unconsciously retain this knowledge without effort
Propositional Knowledge - facts about our practical knowledge. What does it mean to know?
Justified true belief. Good reasons to believe something is true.
Rationalist - construct knowledge through reasoning
We are inquisitive by nature - knowledge brings great benefits.
Why do we need a theory of knowledge?
It is not usual to question what knowledge is and how we use it.
Fear - clear a pathway to knowledge to removing sources of error and confusion
What does this mean for me?
As an educator, facilitator of learning and thinking, epistemology is valuable in understanding how students construct new knowledge and the types of knowledge we require. This in effect will remove all sources of confusion about how we learn, apply and understand new knowledge.
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