Thursday, 4 June 2015

Modern Pathways to Raising Maori Achievement

Janelle Riki
South Region Team Leader

Invited  to consider looking through Janelle's  lens
Russell Bishop research on Maori achievement

Demystifying MLE or Modern Learning Mindsets

MODERN = creating something now, taking into account what we know from the from the past, with considerations for the future

environments tailored for our students right now, understanding the demands of the future for our kids.

If they are engaged they will achieve!

He ahuru mowai
a place to come home to 

What have we done today to enable kids to be who they are?

accepting - inclusive - responsive

How do you respond to your kids needs. They are all different and respond differently. 
We need to help them respond to the school community

empower them for what they need for the future

As reflective teachers we ask every day, 500 times a day
Why am I doing this I?
Is it really make a difference?
what's the purpose and who is it for?

If the answer starts with we or me - its wrong!
Don't throw out what is working

The 'C' Words 

Confident - teach the difference between confident and cocky. I know who I am, bilingual and proud of who I am and where I come from
Capable - problem solvers, know how to learn for themselves
Connected - 
Culturally Responsive

If you suck at reading writing and math when in the day do you get to feel good?

Walk through the school as a Maori person. Is it cool to be Maori at your school?
Can you see and hear Maori as you go through. 

Whanau hui - every term or more so it is genuine
is there a set agenda or is it genuinely to hear the voice of whanau

Technology can help students develop the skills needed to participate and success in a modern world.

Relationships with kids will change the way we meet and respond to individual children's needs

Perception is everything...

Take a step forward everyday to make a difference for every child. 

Provoking thinking ...
Is learning a consequence of teaching?
If all of the kids are not getting there are we doing enough?
If every child in our school is not successful is our school successful?

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