Wednesday, 27 July 2016

How can I improve my understanding of the Number Framework?

The value of number sense, place value, roll over numbers,
The Number Framework Book is the most vital resource we can refer back to. Having a broad range of the whole range.
1. Know the stage number but more importantly the name. (It tells you what the students are doing)

When we solve a problem in real life we have to solve it on our understanding of what we know and interpret from the situation.

When posing problems in maths we ask questions that keep it open - ie: not a specific question of how many or a final question and letting our children make sense of the problems

The difference between stage 6 and 7
The strategies you have applied to whole numbers in stage 6 are the same in stage 7. However they are now being applied to decimals, integers, fractions,
This will highlight any knowledge gaps of place value very quickly and takes time to correctly teach to catch them up.

Pose a problem at stage 4 but scaffold them through to stage six. The strategies build on each other. Don't hold them at a stage until they are completed. Move them through.
The key ideas are really important - when children struggle they have not grasped these key ideas.

Some vital key ideas we ned to be aware of;
Stage 1
convince them them 7 is 7
Stage 2-3 
7 can be split and rearranged in different ways through loads of experiences This is the beginning of place value understanding
Stage 4
Objects can be counted by creating bundles of 10. Students must develop a solid understanding of Place Value.
Stage 5
Our number system is based on 10.
Stage 6 
The equals sign means balance
Stage 7
10 tens make 100 and 10 hundreds make 1000
Decimal fractions arise out of division.

Next steps
Look, as a team over the progressions of place value
Review visual pathways to ensure these new key ideas have been included accurately.
Are we posing the right problems to develop these key ideas?
If we are wanting children to part whole what equipment will we want them to use.

What are children doing to solve problems at each level?
Level 1
From stage 1 - 4 children count to solve problems
Level 2
From stage 5 - children partitioning around ten to solve problems
From stage 6 - children are solving problems by flexibly using with whole numbers and choosing wisely in their choice of strategy
Level 4
From stage 7 - flexibly using strategies to solve problems wisely in not whole number problems

Allow students to solve problems their way - select student to share their solution they will then see the diverse ways of solving a problem and discussing the most efficient and why.

The Five Practices
What stages are they at and where do I want to take them

What different materials might children use?
What we might we want to know? see the range of stages we are working with
Sharing and Reflection 
Who shares and in what order
struggling children need to articulate their thinking
What was the best equipment to best represent the opportunity for teaching next step

Literature with math content 

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