Tuesday, 14 June 2016

What's the key to literacy leadership?

Getting the talking started

www.conversity.co.nz - awesome resource!!
Great conversation starters about culture and NZ

One of the best questions you could ask someone;

What's your name and why are you called that?

The best in a child can be seen in many different ways. They may be strengths that you don't even value. On reflection of our classroom culture - is it inclusive?

What is going on for our learning in all of their contexts? How can we provide them with poker chips to help them the risks and build resilience?

Is there someone in the room who believes they will become a success in their lifetime.
Gathering student voice is the data for important conversations.  The students you ask will be the ones who need the support the most.

Equality and Equity!
Providing the right scaffolds will assist all children to access the learning.

English is a learning activity. Literacy is the glue that holds the NZC learning areas together - reading, writing, oral language. This is how you gets lots of opportunities to write throughout the day.

Not one is more important than the other. 
These should be evident in all classrooms. 

Literacy is the last things to put on your planning. 
What writing skills can we deconstruct and then apply to this teaching to become the glue for other teaching. 
Teaching of literacy skills is different from teaching English.  

Every piece of writing has a structure is organised, language features, mechanics of writing. 

Making a shift 

What can we do in our area of the school that we don't have to do it that way. 

A blanket statement will not work 
Change the people you are responsible for first

Great tool for classroom observation 
I see, I hear I wonder 
No judgements made just questioning. Remember to have conversations before the observation and after.

How are identity, language and culture embedded in literacy practice?                                                            
What are the students doing in response to the teaching?
How are the students engaged in their learning?

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