Saturday, 18 August 2012

How do children learn language?
Language is such a powerful tool.

It can shape our thinking, extend our understandings, create friendships, start wars and influence how we feel.

Language is not learnt passively. It is developed through conversations, dialogue, repetition, rhyme - talk.
However language is receptive as well as expressive.
Valuing listening as part of the process is also essential for language development. Children must be actively listening to process what they hear.

There are many reasons language acquisitions can be impaired
-hearing difficulties
-attention deficits
-limited exposure to language

Language acquisition is the product of active, repetitive and complex learning. As a receiver and user of language, we are constantly immersed in learning opportunities. As an educator, understanding the value of language is almost critical to learning in the early years of school.

Being immersed in rich language experiences provides the models of expectations for communication. Tone, volume and expression are all cues that we must learn to be proficient users of language.

No classroom should be quiet. The use of language and exposure to quality models of effective language are essential for language development.

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