With ICT changing the basic interactions between a teacher and a learner, the digital age is challenging how we view current educational practises.
Self directed learners are now able to use internet access to source resources for learning independently, social network to develop understanding, ask and answer questions, and receive guidance to develop a plan for next steps and end goals. All of this is available to them whenever and wherever they want it. If our education system doesn't keep up with this kind of progress who is going to be left behind?
Educators are investigating the best ways to empower and embrace this kind of ever changing technology, redesigning education as a coherent life long learning system. They are experimenting and discovering ways to integrate resources into our classrooms is ongoing and consuming.
Students are now learning to become empowered digital global citizens, with or without us.
Skills that now require development for learners include....
-how to find knowledge and source tools on the web
-ask and answer reflective questions
-evaluate relaibility of information using tools such as Habits of Mind
-think critically about the author, information, site design
-being a creator of knowledge to develop a shared understanding
-be persistent to find the most efficient and effective program to achieve the desired result
-self directed and in control of their learning
Direction for any educator embarking on this continuum for change may or should include...
-developing intrinsic motivation to learn
-giving back the control of learning
-engaging all children in the use of technologies and encourage responsibility for being in charge of own learning
-explore topics they are passionate about that are authentic, purposeful, meaningful to them providing the incentive to think-support individualised interactive lessons where students would be excelling in problem solving
Supporting families to understand how to use technologies and the value of technology for learning.
-supporting children in need providing 1-1 support for children at their level.
-connecting with appropriate and educationally designed applications and sites which promote learning
-extend children who are self directed and wanting more
-support informal learning to intrinsically motivate self directed learners
-inexpensive in comparison to tutoring
-links learners to the outside world
At secondary schools the transition into employment could potentially become powerful and strengthened to support the esteem of our students leaving school for the first time.
-develop learning plans which highlight and reflect strengths and interests.
-apprenticeships that support learners understanding of expectations, skills and responsibilities
-a robust integration programmes while still at school that reflect knowledge and skill development
E leaders are required to identify leverage points within a system to move current practises and thinking as well as have the organisation skills to bring together the resources and skills necessary to create change. Exploring ideas collaboratively to create new opportinities for learning and then guiding action that needs to be taken while holding onto a new vision for education is the role for an e leader. It is a large responsibility and can be an overwhelming challenge.
What are your ideas?
Ideas taken from a reserch paper written by...
Collins, A. & Halverston, R. (2009). Rethinking education in the age of technology (Chapter 10). N.Y.: Teachers College Press.
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