Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How do teachers learn?

sourced from ilearn.mrgs.school.nz
Teachers learn differently. 
They like to make choices from a rich and varied menu of learning experiences and possibilities.Typically, the teacher lists 2-3 main areas for growth along with the activities most likely to promote the growth. However they must take responsibility for planning acting and growing.
Professional development is experienced as a personal journey of growth and discovery that engages the learner on a daily and perhaps hourly basis.
Some strategies that may support e learn lead teachers
Provide 'Break outs' or study groups on topics selected by teachers who are still gaining confidence.
Assign effective classroom teachers to a mentor and coaching role so that classroom teachers have a built in support system to take them through the most difficult early stages. The mentor’s involvement is temporary and planned to drop away as the novice teacher develops skill and confidence.
Provide a help line  as a way for teachers to get help if they need it. It might be by email, note in pigeon hole, or just being available and approachable. Remember to shoulder tap and check they are ok and if they are still on track.

http://fno.org/mar01/howlearn.html for further in depth information

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